Jul 29, 2020

Survivors of Titanic

Titanic Passangers Data Dashboard

Hosted by Github

The page uses the D3.js library with the DC.js and crossfilter.js libraries to present the data via a series of bar and pie charts, keep the data analysis clear and simple.

JavaScript Dashboard Project

This is a single page dashboard represents the data of the passengers of the Titanic. Users can hover over and click on charts and selectors, to make their own selected groups and compare to an other group.

Technologies Used

HTML5 & CSS3 HTML5 & CSS3 were used to create the layout and styling of this site Code validators were used to check for errors with the HTML and CSS AWS Cloud9 Cloud9 IDE editor used to write the HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Bootswatch 3.4.0 (Spacelab JavaScript and selected external libraries have been used throughout this site, in the following ways: For the creation and manipulation of the data-visualization elements DC.js Crossfilter.js D3-queue.js was used to load files. jQuery was used to assist with DOM manipulation when resetting filters and showing / hiding selected sections. Font Awesome

Github repository : https://github.com/aticodein/second-project

Deployed Gihub Pages : https://aticodein.github.io/second-project/